Friday, December 26, 2008

Acronyms and Definitions for Miniature Art: ACEO, ATC, OOAK...

Miniature art is sometimes described with a variety of abbreviations and acronyms. While they're helpful to aficionados, they can be confusing to the rest of us.

Here's an admittedly informal list of acronyms. It's heavily biased toward ACEOs and their cousins, since that's where my interest lies.

What others do you use? Have you found artists using an acronym but can't find the definition? Let me know and I'll try to track it down.

= Art Cards, Editions, Originals. Must be 2.5 x 3.5 inches, but any medium may be used. ACEOs can be sold.

= Artist Trading Cart. Must be 2.5 x 3.5 inches, but any medium may be used. ATCs are only traded not sold.

= Square 1 inch x 1 inch. (Not an acronym, I know.)

= One of a kind.

= Small format art. Usually less than 14 inches in any direction.

= 2 inch x 2 inch square. (Not an acronym, I know.)

Note: miniature art societies, groups, and galleries have their own definitions. Please check with your group to be sure you're abiding by their guidelines.


Helen Harris said...

I've been working on aceos for my Etsy site http://PineShoreStudio.etsy .com but actually was introduced to miniatures thru the Artomat. Check this out.
Art collectors can purchase pieces from various venues throughout the United States and Europe from refurbished cigarette machines!You'll be astonished at the locations I find my work in from museums to coffeehouses.

lifeneedsart said...

Thanks, Helen! I hadn't hear of Artomat -- it sounds very cool!